
Hi! Welcome to Chiro Assistant 101! Here you will recieve FREE practice building tips, advice specifically for CA's, and MORE! Enjoy! :)

About Me

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Hi! I’m the Office Manager at Yost Family Chiropractic (located in Urbandale, IA). I’ve been a Chiropractic Assistant and a part of this team since 2006! When I started this job, I had NO IDEA I’d like my job and have as much fun as I do every day…and that is thanks to the WONDERFUL team I work with and the FABULOUS patients that allow us to be a part of their healthcare and lives. To give you an idea of my many roles I take part in each day would be next to impossible! I’ve scrubbed toilets, done laundry, answered phones, scheduled appointments, verified and billed with insurance companies, fixed computers, and been a listening ear for others…with everything else in between! :) I absolutely LOVE what I do and appreciate knowing that while Chiropractors are improving lives every day, SO AM I! Learn more about where I spend my day by visiting www.YostFamilyChiropractic.com.

Friday, September 24, 2010

FUN 101

First…ask yourself, “What are we doing in our office to have more fun as a team AND for our patients?”

Doing things that are UNIQUE and SPECIAL on a consistent basis will keep everyone having FUN!

Let’s first understand the WHY:

TEAM FUN: When the team is having more fun (smart fun, that is), everyone is more productive, happier, healthier, and instant new patient magnets!

PATIENT FUN: Almost every chiropractic clinic’s goal is that when a patient walks through the front door, we want that to be one of the most memorable moments of their day. Going to unexpected measures to make this happen, will keep patients having fun and talking about their experience at your office to their family, friends, and co-workers, therefore creating referrals!

Now, let’s start rolling the ideas in for how to bring more fun into your clinic:

• Start simple with spicing up team meetings just by changing the environment. For example, go out to lunch, have a picnic, or even to someone’s house. Also set major milestone goals AND smaller, reachable goals. For when a major milestone goal is reached, plan a team trip. Tie it in with a chiropractic seminar for education during the day, and then followed up by some team building fun in the afternoon/evening. For the smaller, reachable goals, reward the team by going mini golfing, to a movie, bowling, or to a local sports event! Another idea of team fun is make a tradition for someone serving breakfast on Friday mornings…end the week with a special treat!

• EVENTS! This is one of the easiest things to include for patient fun, but so many offices make the slip-up of keeping internal events to a minimum thinking they need to be BIG events. These can be small and simple. We do SPINE & DINE days where we tag a fun name with a healthy food and serve treats! “Orange You Glad You Saw Your Chiropractor” (oranges), “Veggies & Vertebrae” (veggies are served), “Snap, Crackle, & Pop” (rice crispies), “Raisin Day” (raisins, grape juice), “Apple Day” (apples, apple cider), …..as you can see the options are endless! For a internal events, try to have 1 Spine & Dine day per month and one big internal event with giveaways, new patient specials, etc at least 1 per quarter!

In closing, at your next team meeting, as a group, come up with some ideas to add something different for the team and for the patients! Even have the staff fill out a questionnaire to really find out how much fun they are having. Also, just remember, if you are in a good mood…it will have everyone else in a good mood that is around you and the day will be GREAT! Watch the energy roll in! Have fun! :)

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